Monday, January 30, 2012

Ebay Buyers who abuse buyer protection

What sellers need is a master dead beat buyers list. Mine is base on buyers who abuse buyer protection. You name it, they have done it. They will hurt your ratings, cost you shipping both ways, return used items to you in place of new ones you shipped them, will use items till the 44th day then submit a not as discribed for a refund, attempt to get partial refunds by threatening a buyer not as discribed action. Please put your block list on the net so I can add it to mine. I have had enough. Ebay is rigged in the buyers favor and basically is offering a 45 day no questions asked return policy on your dime. Sellers get no input and do not even get a chance to confirm recipt of an item and condition of item recieved. Help your self and start posting your block list.

2006denn, 50west50, 787387, angels*dish*satellite*supply, angiejimenez, bluebook2004, buddycravitz, culgirle, davidg421, deanboogie, dgmattingley61, dieseldude1, elrich1, hayabusatroy, itsall_his, janeforbes, jsm00th923, kitty-the-wild-kat, mspang, paolo-917, skeyescraper, steven_r, tryjoey

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